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WFT Writers Room - Minding the Creative Mind with Ann Marie Shields - Members Zoom Meeting

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WFT Writers Room - Minding the Creative Mind with Ann Marie Shields - Members Zoom Meeting

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05. Oktober 2022, 19:15 Uhr - 20:00


Welcome to the WFT Writer’s Room, a supportive online space where our members can ask honest and in-depth questions across an array of topics managed by fellow writer and WFT Admin Executive Gemma Creagh.

In this industry, rejection is embedded in the game, and so much of your work might never see the light of day. WFT is delighted to host a discussion on mental health with the accomplished director of Minding Creative Minds, Ann Marie Shields. In our post-pandemic world, fueled by social media, creatives are reporting record burnout. We'll be chatting with Anne Marie, not only about her impressive achievements to date, but also about the important work that Minding Creative Minds is doing - as we reflect on the question: how can we protect our mental health as writers?

All are welcome to register for the live webinar with Ann Marie, which will take place at 6:30pm on Wednesday 5th October. If you want to listen in for this... you can register here to get the link for that discussion directly: https://us06web.zoom.us/webina...

*However, please note: this page is for up-to-date WFT & WGI Members to register for the private zoom meeting Q&A after with Ann Marie at 7:15 pm. The link for the zoom meeting will be sent out the morning of the 5th*

About Ann Marie Shields

Ann Marie Shields is a director of Minding Creative Minds, a 32 County 24/7 wellbeing and support programme offered free to the entire Irish Creative Sector. Ann Marie is Head of Careers, Industry, Events and Guests at BIMM Institute Dublin.

Ann Marie has worked extensively in the music industry working closely with bands such as My Bloody Valentine, Dinosaur Jr, Rumer, Rob Ells/PJ Harvey, Mercury Rev, Rollerskate Skinny, Martina Topley Bird, Marianne Faithful, Laika, The Bug, MAD LION, Snake River Conspiracy and Charlotte Hatherley (ASH/Bat for Lashes). She spent 6 years at Warner Bros. flagship label Reprise Records and was on the steering committee that launched The Association of Independent Music Ireland (AIM Ireland).

Ann Marie manages her own AMS Records label and distribution service, with releases from Side 4 Collective, SELK, Shelley Bukspan, Graham Sweeney, Moon Looks On and Vernon Jane. She moonlights as a film music supervisor with www.muscic4movies.org Films she worked on include critically acclaimed Blue Iguana featuring Oscar winner Sam Rockwell; Joe Meek biopic Telstar; Raindance winner Mr. In-Between; Savannah winner The Kid; Sean Bean thriller Cleanskin; and recently released feature Vengeance Is Mine. She is currently working on Hadi Hajaig’s All Mine Enemies which is in pre-production.


Women in Film and Television International is a voluntary foundation promoting greater representation of women on screen and behind the camera, with a membership of over thirteen thousand professionals worldwide.


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