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Ultimate Live Art Battle ft. Mango X Mathman

evento terminado

Ultimate Live Art Battle ft. Mango X Mathman

De EUR 7,00



Nov 11 2017 18:00 - 23:00


All Out Design presents: Life Styles - Ultimate Live Art Battle

Six artists will go head-to-head in front of a live audience with limited time and materials to create their very best piece of art. A theme is chosen pre-event and the winner is decided by crowd vote on the day.

After an intense few months on the festival circuit we're re-energised and back with our biggest battle to date. This time with a monster 3 Vs 3 battle on our giant studio walls and a stellar music line-up to back it up! We'll have everyone's favourite beatboxer, Amaron, MC'ing and dropping a few sneaky beats as he goes.

Gun fingers at the ready! Having absolutely annihilated the every Irish this year, we have Dublin's homegrown grime kings, Mango + Mathman pumped up and ready to go with an absolutely gigantic sound system in tow. If you manage to survive their set, the sensational Tara Stewart of 2FM will be on the decks with a catalogue of blow-your-face-off bangers to wrap up the night.

As always we'll have healthy (and free) servings of Jameson and Tranquini to quench your thirst between songs and most importantly, our favourite pizza connoisseurs, The Revolution, will be serving you up the freshest of pizza straight from our pizza oven.

**NOTE** All of our previous events have completely SOLD OUT. We advise you to grab a ticket while you can to avoid disappointment.

Your ticket includes:

  • Entry
  • FREE Pizza from The Revolution
  • FREE Jameson, ginger & lime
  • FREE Tranquini

Fuelled by: Jameson, Tranquini & The Revolution

Here's what you missed last time!

Shots: AVV Photography


All Out Design, 1A Hyacinth St, D03 XF76 Dublin 3


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