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Scholars International Conference on Frontiers in Chemistry and Drug Discovery

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Scholars International Conference on Frontiers in Chemistry and Drug Discovery

De Gratuito



Dic 02 2019 08:30 - Dic 03 2019 18:00


Theme: Enlightening the Advancements and Exploring the New Horizons in Chemistry and Drug Discovery"

                                            Conference Brochure | Submit Abstract | Scientific Sessions

Scholars International Conference takes pleasure in inviting the scientific community across the globe to attend the Scholars International Conference on Frontiers in Chemistry and Drug Discovery during December 02-03, 2019 at Madrid, Spain around the theme "Enlightening the Advancements and Exploring the New Horizons in Chemistry and Drug Discovery"

Why to Attend??

Chemistry Frontiers 2019 Conference is a multidisciplinary program with broad participation with members from around the globe focused on learning about Chemistry and Drug Discovery and its advances. This is your best opportunity to reach the largest assemblage of participants from chemistry and drug discovery community that is from academia, Business, medical groups, related associations, societies and also from government agencies, pharmaceutical, biomedical and medical device industries.

Who should attend and Who You’ll Meet:

Directors/Senior Directors/Executive Directors and Vice Presidents/Senior Vice Presidents/Executive Vice Presidents and Heads/Leaders/Partners of:

Scientist, Research scholars

Pharma/Biotech and Medical Device industries                                                                         

Hospitals, Associations

Pharmacy institutes


 Important Scientific sessions:

General Chemistry

 Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Industrial Chemistry

Food Chemistry

Computer Aided Drug Design (CADD)

 Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics

Sustainable, Green, and Environmental Chemistry

Theoretical and Computational Chemistry

 Inorganic Chemistry

Materials Chemistry  and Many more….

Chemistry Frontiers 2019 is comprised of 25 tracks and 125 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issue. For more scientific sessions and abstract submission, please visit:

Important links for the Conference:

Abstract submission:

Brochure Download:

Registration link:

Scientific sessions:

Note: 3 or more members from the same lab/institute/university (or) anyone who wish to attend Chemistry Frontiers 2019 Conferences is eligible to get 20% discount on Registrations.

If you have any queries feel free to contact us.

We appreciate your time and look forward to hearing from you.

For further details, please contact:

Thanks and Regards

Kevin Peter

Program Director | Chemistry Frontiers 2019

Scholars Conferences Limited 

Phone: +44 2035140512

76 Tamworth Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne | United Kingdom, NE4 5AL


Rafaelhoteles Forum Alcalá Rafaelhoteles Forum Alcalá, Calle de Bulgaria, 28802 Alcalá de Henares


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