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Registration: WFT Short Film Showcase - Online Only

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Registration: WFT Short Film Showcase - Online Only

Von Kostenlos



07. Dezember 2022, 18:10 Uhr - 15. Dezember 2022, 23:59 Uhr


Up-to-date WFT Members and invitees, this is where you register to receive an online link for the Short Film Showcase. Please note this is NOT for the in person Showcase. 

If you have been invited to view the online screening, make sure to register with the same email address the invite was issued to.

If you would like to join WFT or renew your membership, you can do this here.

Links will be sent out every day by 6pm. If you have registered and have not received yours by this time, email info@wft.ie.

The Online Showcase will only be available to view online until midnight on the 15th December.

    Opening a window on work by a new wave of women filmmakers, the IFI and Women in Film and TV Ireland once again present this inspiring programme of short films selected from a significant volume of work submitted by WFT members. While these films couldn’t be more different in style, scope, genre and theme, they all have one thing in common: they are directed and created by the Irish film industry’s most talented up-and-coming women creatives.

    The physical showcase will take place in the IFI on Thursday 7th December. Up-to-date WFT Members can register for the live event tickets here, while tickets are available to purchase on the IFI Website here for everyone else. 

    First Date

    Tina, a recently widowed farmer, doesn’t want her daughter Jackie to move back to the city, leaving her alone. When she discovers Jackie has invited city boy Seamus for a date at their farm, Tina comes up with a novel solution to upset their plans.

    Director: Clara Planelles / Producer: Pete Moles / Writer: Áine Ryan / DOP: Alfie Hollingsworth


    Set in 90’s Dublin, two young female DJs have their dreams of making it big in London crushed when one of them is diagnosed with HIV.

    Director: Tania Notaro / Producers: Ali Doyle & Trish Ryan / Writer: Tania Notaro / DOP: Colm Whelan

    Site Specific: College of Domestic Economy

    A visual essay on the art, architecture and social relevance of the College of Domestic Economy, Cathal Brugha Street by conservation architect Mary McDonald and art historian Paula Murphy.

    Director: Bonnie Dempsey / Producers: Aimie Gavin & Irish Architecture Foundation / DOP: Tom Comerford

    A Death in the Family

    A death in the family leads to an interesting meal for the mourners.

    Director: Kate Haley / Producer: Robert O'Meara / Writer: Kate Haley / DOP: Eilís Doherty


    Carmel, a lonely sheep farmer and mother and baby home survivor strikes up an unlikely friendship with Tanaka, the teenager living in the local direct provision centre.

    Director: Mo O'Connell / Producer: Mo O'Connell / Writer: Ivan Cush & Rehan Ali / DOP: Colm Hogan


    A tense phone call between two strangers doesn't go as expected. Both of their lives are turned upside down in an instant.

    Director: Claire Byrne / Producer: Tina Pawlik / Writer: Tracy Martin / DOP: Philip Blake

    Someday Sadie

    In 1960's Dublin, a young working-class singer falls pregnant at an inopportune time changing the course of her life forever.

    Director: Imogen Murphy / Producer: Fiona Kinsella / Writer: Kate Gilmore / DOP: Philip Blake


    Grace needs help with an audition but the only person available is her Man Utd. loving father, John. Tensions arise when a combination of John’s well-intentioned but misguided efforts and some triggering material rake over some partially healed wounds for Grace.

    Director: Emma Wall / Producer: Claire Byrne, Jo Halpin & Siobhan Coakley for Alfonso Films / Writer: Niamh Branigan / DOP: Alba Fernandez

    Not my Sister

    When Chris comes home to Cork from London for her sister Zara's 13th birthday, a buried family secret begins to find its way to the surface.

    Director: Jessica Courtney Leen/ Producer: Jessica Courtney Leen / Writer: Jessica Courtney Leen / DOP: Jass Foley

    This event has been made possible with the support of the BAI.

    A massive Thank You to the Showcase prize sponsors:


    Women in Film and Television International is a voluntary foundation promoting greater representation of women on screen and behind the camera, with a membership of over thirteen thousand professionals worldwide.


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    • Ich habe mich auf der Warteliste registriert, was passiert nun?

      Falls mehr Tickets verfügbar werden, wirst du benachrichtigt (per Email), sowie andere der Liste beigetreten sind. Käufe finden auf einer First-come-first-serve Basis statt. Für mehr Information, hier lesen.

    • Wo finde ich den Link zu einem Online-Event?

      Sieh auf der Bestätigungsseite oder in deiner Bestätigungsmail nach. Normalerweise teilt der Veranstalter die Details in der Bestätigungsmail mit oder er könnte dir eine Follow-up-Mail mit einem Link zum Online-Event zukommen lassen. Du könntest eventuell auch die Eventbeschreibung aus Billetto durchlesen, wo Veranstalter beschreiben sollten,wie man dem Event online beitritt. Für mehr Info, hier lesen.

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      Erstattungsschutz sichert dich ab, falls unvorhergesehene und unumgängliche Umstände dich daran hindern, am Event teilzunehmen. Für mehr Info, hier lesen.