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Empowering Your Authentic Self

l'evento è terminato

Empowering Your Authentic Self

Da EUR 80,00



Mar 14 2020 09:30 - 17:00


The more we know about ourselves, the better we are at adapting to life's changes. When we have a better understanding of ourselves, we are able to experience ourselves  as unique and separate individuals.This empowers us and helps us to make changes and build on our areas of strength, as well as identify areas where we would like to make improvements.

This workshop is the first of a serious of workshops which will be held over the coming months using Meditation and  Psycho therapeutic approaches as well as  life  coaching tools to enable participants to develop  greater self awareness and become empowered in their  lives. 


This workshop is the first of a serious of workshops which will be
held over the coming months.

The workshop format is as follows:

9.30 : Introduction, followed by relaxation and meditation

10.00 : Short PowerPoint presentation on the science of

10.30 : Interactive module on Self Awareness facilitated by a

11.30 : Coffee

12.00 : Group Discussion
A group space where participants can share their
experiences, feelings and issues and receive feedback and
support from the rest of the group

1.00 : Lunch

2.00 : Breath empowerment meditation

2.30 : Interactive coaching workshop facilitated by a Life Coach
"Discovering ways to protect our authentic self"

4.00 : Coffee

4.30 : Reflection on the day

5.00 : Close

Goals of the Workshop

1 To create a space where you can explore your own personal process.
2.To allow you a space to learn how to express your issues.
3.To participate in a group experience in a safe, confidential setting.Each group member can share personal experiences, feelings and issues and receive feedback and support from the rest of the group. This also helps develop self-awareness by listening to others with similar issues.

Group is limited to 15 participants. If there is interest, potential for creating working together for 4/6 sessions in a closed group.


The more we know about ourselves, the better we are at adapting to life's changes. When we have a better understanding of ourselves, we are able to experience ourselves as  unique and separate individuals.This empowers us and helps us to make changes and build on our areas of strength so that we can live the lives we were born to live,

Luogo dell'evento

Centre of Light Centre of Light, The Bridge Mills, H91 R1WF Galway


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