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Dusty Stacks of Mom: The Poster Project

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Dusty Stacks of Mom: The Poster Project

Von 8,00 EUR



21. November 2021, 19:00 Uhr - 20:00


Spilt Milk makes its return to Sligo for its third edition from 18th - 21st November, 2021.

Date: Sunday, 21st November
 Serious Business
 €8 + booking fee

Please note admission is dependent on the following public health requirements for indoor events: 

:: all ticket holders and members in the group must be either fully vaccinated or recently recovered from the virus and must present their EU Digital Vaccine cert/HSE vaccination card or Recovery Cert with them along with photo ID.

:: Persons under 18 years do not need to have proof of immunity from Covid-19 (EU Digital Vaccine cert/HSE vaccination card or Recovery Cert) if accompanied by an adult (person over 18).

:: All tickets must be purchased in advance, digital tickets will only be accepted at the door and there will be no card or cash sales.

:: Face coverings/masks must be worn*.
(*Exceptions to face covering/mask wearing include patrons who are under the age of 13 or are unable to wear them because of a physical or mental illness or disability.)

:: All ticket holders acknowledge that they take responsibility for monitoring their health and the health of those attending in their group.


Dusty Stacks of Mom: The Poster Project
Jodie Mack | 2013 | 41 minutes | COLOR | SOUND

& Closing Party

    Closing the third edition of Spilt Milk is a sweet and charming rock opera and animation mash-up.

    An experimental animation, a Pink Floyd inspired rock opera, a film about a mother and a daughter and a documentary about the changing tides of culture. Dusty Stacks of Mom: The Poster Project (2013) sees filmmaker Jodie Mack animate the contents of her mother’s poster and postcard wholesale business, mish mashing decades worth of pop cultural detritus inside this little factory of personal and collective memories.

    Dusty Stacks of Mom: The Poster Project TRAILER from Jodie Mack on Vimeo.

    Spilt Milk Festival wishes to acknowledge our funders for 2021; the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sports and Media; Sligo Leader Partnership Rural Development Programme and SICAP Community Grant; IMRO; Sligo County Council; and Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim ETB.


    A three day festival of music, film and art —— 19-21 November 2021 —— Sligo, Ireland. The festival, which took place for the first time in 2019 brings national and international artists to perform and exhibit in intimate venues across Sligo town.


    Serious Business Serious Business, Unit 2, Block A, Millbrook, John F. Kennedy Parade, F91 YNC5 Sligo


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