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Carl Stone with special guest Jane Deasy

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Carl Stone with special guest Jane Deasy

Von 15,00 EUR



26. April 2020, 20:00 Uhr - 22:45
Billetto Peace of Mind
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Carl Stone is one of the pioneers of live computer music, and has been hailed by the Village Voice as “the king of sampling.” and “one of the best composers living in (the USA) today.” He has used computers in live performance since 1986. Stone was born in Los Angeles and now divides his time between Los Angeles and Japan. He studied composition at the California Institute of the Arts with Morton Subotnick and James Tenney and has composed electro-acoustic music almost exclusively since 1972. His works have been performed in the U.S., Canada, Europe, Asia, Australia, South America and the Near East. In addition to his schedule of performance, composition and touring, he is on the faculty of the Department of Media Engineering at Chukyo University in Japan.


Both Carl Stone album releases from 2019 found their ways onto a number of Best of the Year lists, from Artforum to The Wire.


Himalaya: Best of 2019 14/100

“The world’s pop music has become putty in Stone’s hands. Each piece could, in theory, keep reassembling its particles infinitely”



Baroo: Best of 2019 27/100

“Like a vivd and recurrent memory of somewhere you have never been, or an everday experience suddenly made inexplicable and strange”



Himalaya: Best Music of 2019 5/10

How much music do you really need? Stone’s work suggests that sometimes a second is enough. As he shows on Himalaya, real-time manipulation of tiny samples can yield extraordinary results, ranging from shattered-beat mosaics to oceanic stillness.



Baroo & Himalaya: Best Experimental Albums of 2019

Baroo and Himalaya both engage with pop music by rearranging its DNA, constructing a new kind of catchiness through circular edits. He can build arcs that rise and fall, and ride loops that hypnotize as they expand. The process is brainy, but both albums are also full of glee, as fun to listen to as they are to contemplate.



Baroo: Best Experimental Albums of 2019

“Like a vivid and recurrent memory of somewhere you have never been, or an everyday experience suddenly made inexplicable and strange”


Carl Stone's music has been used by numerous theater directors, filmmakers and choreographers including Hiroshi Koike (Pappa Tarahumara), Akira Kasai, Bill T. Jones, Pat O’ Neil, Ping Chong, June Watanabe, Setsuko Yamada, Kuniko Kisanuki, Dorit Cypis, Rudy Perez, Hae Kyung Lee, Bruce and Norman Yonemoto, Kathleen Rogers, and Blondell Cummings. Musical collaborations include those with Yuji Takahashi, Kazue Sawai, Aki Takahashi, Sarah Cahill, Wu Wei, Haco, Samm Bennett, Kazuhisa Uchihashi, Michiko Akao, Stelarc, z'ev, Tosha Meisho, Otomo Yoshihide, Min Xiao-Fen and Mineko Grimmer.

Jane Deasy

Jane Deasy is a composer and performer working across various forms including theatre, installation and radio.  She composes both electronic and electroacoustic music exploring the boundaries between music and theatre.




Ireland's most annoying gig promoter. Music for lost souls.


The Sound House The Sound House, 1st Floor, D01 DE44 Dublin 1


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