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24th Edition of International Conference on Immunology & Infectious Diseases

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24th Edition of International Conference on Immunology & Infectious Diseases

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15. Juni 2020, 09:00 Uhr - 16. Juni 2020, 18:00 Uhr


24th Edition of International Conference on Immunology & Infectious Diseases

Theme: Exploring the human immune system & Infectious Diseases

Conference Brochure | Submit Abstract | Scientific Sessions

It seems to be pleasure in inviting the scientific community across the globe to attend the 24th Edition of International Conference on Immunology and Infectious diseases during June 15-16, 2020 at London, UK with a motto to explore in Immunology and Infectious diseases

The gathering will address in the area of Immunology, Infectious Diseases, while laying emphasis on innovative things in Human immune system. Immunology Research 2020 will be the best venue for academicians, researchers and interested parties to discuss proposals and advancements in their research field.

Immunology 2020 Conference will encourage Young Researcher’s Forum, scientists and the researchers in their early stage of career graph to widely discuss their outcome so as to enrich and develop the idea. The ‘Best Poster Award’ is meant to encourage students in taking active part in the International Science platform to sharpen their skills and knowledgebase.

The important tracks that are part of Immunology and Infectious Diseases 2020 includes: Clinical Immunology, Molecular Immunology, Tumour Immunology, Mucosal Immunology, Transplantation Immunology, Neuroimmunology, Immunodermatology, Vaccines And Immunization, Innate Immune Responses ,Immuno Research & Immunotechnology, Nutritional Immunology, Reproductive Immunology, Developmental Immunology, Neonatal And Pediatric Immunology, Eco Immunology & Behavioral Immunity, Immune Disorders,   Diagnosis Of Infection, Bacteriology And Infectious Diseases, Vector Borne Infectious Diseases,  Virology And Infectious DiseasesMolecular Biology Research And Viral Therapy.


Major Keywords: Immunology Conferences 2020, Immunology Conferences, Immunology Meetings, Immunology 2020 Conference, Immunology events, Immunology meetings, Immunology Congress 2020, Immunology 2020, Immunology & Infectious Diseases Meetings 2020, Infectious Diseases Conferences, International Immunology Conferences, Conference on Immunology, Immunology Congress, Frontiers in Immunology Science, Immunology conferences, Infectious Diseases, Conferences, Immunology Meetings, Immunology Conferences in London, List of Immunology Conferences in Europe, Immunology events in Europe, Immunology conferences in Europe, Immunology and Infectious Diseases Conferences, Global Immunology Conferences, Upcoming Immunology conferences, Euro Immunology Conferences

Immunology Research 2020 is comprised of 21 tracks and 159 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issue. For more scientific sessions and abstract submission, please visit: https://immunology-infectious-diseases.euroscicon.com/call-for-abstracts

Grab the opportunity to participate by registering through flowing link: https://immunology-infectious-diseases.euroscicon.com/registration

For further details, please contact:

Charles Nicolas

Conference Manager | Immunology 2020

Direct: +44-20-33182512

40 Bloomsbury Way

Lower Ground Floor

London, United Kingdom


WhatsApp: +441995310010

E-mail: Immunologyresearch2020@gmail.com



London, UK London, UK, 40 Bloomsbury Way Lower Ground Floor London, WC1A 2SE, United Kingdom, WC1A 2SE London


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