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SWITCHED ON - An evening of 3 workshops with GRD

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SWITCHED ON - An evening of 3 workshops with GRD

Fra EUR 20,00



28 maj 2018 kl. 19:00 - 22:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
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Girls Rock Dublin are delighted to be hosting "SWITCHED ON", an evening of 3 interactive workshops!

Open to 18+ y.o. girls, trans and non-binary folks, each workshop will accommodate up to 10 lucky participants and will be run by awesome GRD coaches who will share their tips and tricks with you. We're really excited to run our event in music college BIMM, which generously granted us full access their facilities and gear for the occasion.

Here's the plan.
In the first half of the evening you'll focus on the topic you've chosen and you'll have a chance to give it go at creating a mix for a live band, rocking out with pedal effects or having fun with a vocal loop station.
In the second half of the evening the participants of ALL three workshops will gather in the Auditorium to put the skills and techniques they have just learned into practice by simulating a Live Gig situation. For this fun and interactive part of the event, participants will form groups and be the band, the engineers, and performers alike!

Choose the workshop for you:

ONE-TWO, ONE-TWO / Intro to Live Sound Engineering
One-Two, One-Two is a bespoke, hands-on workshop that introduces participants to the world of Live Sound and will be led by engineers/musicians Rossella Bottone and Aileen Wallace who will share their diverse range of knowledge, experience, and skill sets to deliver an interactive and dynamic workshop.
One-Two, One-Two is aimed at complete beginners, aspiring sound engineers, and musicians who wish to further develop their 'behind the scenes' knowledge and understanding. Participants will learn about the technical aspects of Sound Engineering, Terminology, Mic Placement, Stage Set-up, Signal flow, and Mixing. They will also set up the stage for and mix a live band.

PEDAL PUSHERS / Guitar and bass pedal effects
This workshop will delve into the abyss that is effect pedals, from the perspectives of both guitar and bass. Lizzie and Naomi played together in Bitch Falcon and were no strangers to multitudes of pedals that created layers upon layers of sounds that was unique to their writing.
While a pedal can be used for any instrument or sound, some pedals work best for guitar or bass respectively. Lizzie and Naomi will be sharing their knowledge and hopefully giving each participant the bug that will (unfortunately) drain your bank account.
Please come with an open mind and a creative spirit, the workshop will have demos and so no equipment is needed.

VOCIFEROUS / Voice and Loop Station
Voice coach and producer Karen Hammond teams up with composer and multi-instrumentalist Ewa Gigon to introduce you to Boss RC 20 Loop Station. This modest piece of technology allows users to record and replay musical phrases in real time and then overdubbing it repeatedly. During the workshop you'll learn how to utilize it using mainly voice, starting with creating a perfectly timed loop and then gradually building it up with layers of harmonies or cacophonies of sounds.
Suitable for singers, spoken word artists, beat boxers , composers and anyone interested in experimenting with voice, sounds and technology. Beginners welcome!

What you need to bring: nothing! We'll provide instrumentation and everything you'll need. However, if you wish to bring your own instrument / pedals / mic, you're welcome to do so.

The workshops are sponsored by IMRO and run in partnership with Ernie Ball and BIMM.
The fee for the 3 hour event is €20, which will help us fund our upcoming summer camp for 12-17 year olds
You are very welcome to add a donation to your registration fee, if you wish to do so.

See you on the 28th! :)



BIMM BIMM, 62-64 Francis St, 8 Dublin


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