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Moor Mother + Joni & Sunken Foal Tickets Available On The Door!

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Moor Mother + Joni & Sunken Foal Tickets Available On The Door!

Fra EUR 15,00



25 apr 2018 kl. 20:00 - 22:45
Billetto Peace of Mind
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Moor Mother

Moor Mother is the viscerally charged output of Philadelphia based interdisciplinary artist, Camae Ayewa. Her music is often harsh and strange, projecting both the cathartic anger of punk and the expansive improvisatory spirit of Sun Ra. Using a variety of machines, field recordings, and analog noisemakers, Ayewa constructs fractured, cacophonous waves for her words of punishing pertinence to ride.

As a musician performing under the name she has toured in Europe and the U.S. at numerous festivals, colleges and universities sharing the stage with King Britt, Islam Chipsy, Claudia Rankine and Bell Hooks. As a soundscape artist she has had work featured at Samek Art Museum, Metropolitan Museum of Art Chicago, and Everson Museum of Art.

Her latest album, Fetish Bones, was released through Don Giovanni Records in September 2016. The album features 13 songs conceived and recorded in Camae’s home studio and it is an album intended as a form of protest and as form of time travel — a collection of sounds that are events themselves, telling stories rich in history about the journey that brings us to today and the future we are creating. Fetish Bones is not an album meant to help you forget. It is made so that you will remember the injustices that we bear witness to and participate in.

Ayewa is also a renowned poet and author of the forthcoming poetry book, also named Fetish Bones, and a member of Black Quantum Futurism, A Collective which has recently released its first book, Black Quantum Futurism theory and practice Vol. 1. BQF has presented in Copenhagen Perspectives on Time Conference, Ferguson is the Future at Yale and Afrofuturism Now festival in Holland. Camae is a 2016 Leeway Award recipient and 2016 Blade of Grass Fellow.

Joni + Sunken Foal

Joni is originally a classically trained violinist whose musical education and sound straddles the divide between the organic instrument and the electronic bass world. Joni's naturally soulful singing style is combined with electronic beats and smart lyrics to make a sound all of her own. She has worked with many prominent Irish producers across many diferent genres such as Eomac, Deviant, T-Woc and Major Grave. Her debut single 'Running' was featured on BBC Radio 1, and appeared on Nialler9, Disco Naivete and Dazed and Confused.

Sunken Foal

Over the last 15 years Sunken Foal aka Dunk Murphy has been of Ireland's most prolific and prodigious electronic composers with a vast back catalogue of startling high quality including releases on Planet-Mu, Black Acre, the Fear, Acroplane, Front End Synthetics among many more. In recent years he has become something of a self-run cottage industry releasing album after album on his own Countersunk label as Sunken Foal, The Natural History Museum (with Carol Keogh.) and last year's superlative ambient offering as Minced Oath.


Ireland's most annoying gig promoter. Music for lost souls.


Whelan's Whelan's, 25 Wexford St, D02 H527 Dublin 2


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