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From Local to Global: How to expand your business abroad

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From Local to Global: How to expand your business abroad

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18. September 2019, 13:00 Uhr - 14:00


Teresa Lewis from Mauve Group will be speaking to us about expanding SME's abroad and offering helpful advice for those wishing to expand their business abroad or for professionals involved in operational/strategic planning.

With over 10 years’ experience in Market Research and HR at prestigious Dublin based organisations Teresa Lewis is now responsible for developing Mauve’s business in Ireland as the Country Representative for White Coral Business Consulting Limited -  part of The Mauve Group. She is originally from Wales and has lived  in Dublin since 2001 and she has also been teaching yoga for over 16 years and is one of the few people in Ireland to hold  a Senior Certificate in Iyengar Yoga.

Teresa will cover a 10 point strategy on what sort of things to consider before setting up and then will explain about Mauve and their services. Mauve Group is a leading provider of global HR and employment solutions and expatriate services. Established in 1996, the group of companies are linked through common ownership and have strategic positioning spanning 4 continents. Our companies work closely together to offer a diverse range of solutions and services.

Our own highly successful global expansion programme of establishing regional centres worldwide, has given us the expertise and in-depth knowledge which has proved invaluable to our clients. Our "business without borders" ethos is supported by our professional and international team of staff, with backgrounds in IT, telecoms, banking and finance, tax, corporate sales and HR. The combination of their experience and dedication enables the Mauve Group to consistently deliver high end client services.
As a leader in the current marketplace for HR and employment solutions, with a reputable and well established international infrastructure in place, we can provide solutions designed to help smooth the human resource process, leaving our clients to focus on their core business. Whether it is a complete company formation or employment of a single person overseas, our creative and innovative approach ensures all our clients receive a cost effective, reliable and compliant solution.

Who is this event for?

  • CEOs/senior level management of organisations
  • HR Managers or professionals involved in operational/strategic planning
  • In-house global mobility professionals
  • Anyone looking to market their products overseas – although we can help individual entrepreneurs, they do need to have some financial backing (e.g. our services are less suited to those with an idea who haven’t yet secured any investment or capital)


18tth of September 13:00-14:00

What are my transport/parking options for getting to and from the event?

By bus take the 40d

Driving the Corporate Park 2 is off Corduff Road. Address is Suite 10, Plaza 256, Blanchardstown Corporate Park 2, Ballycoolin.

Our location is also available if you search "PineHub" on Google Maps.

Is there free parking?

We have free visitor parking beside the plaza and also allocated parking spaces for Suite 10.

How to contact the organizer?

Email - info@pine-hub.com

Telephone - 015252101



Blanchardstown Corporate Park 2, Suite 10, Plaza 256, Ballycoolen, Dublin, D15EH34 Dublin


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