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De EUR 6.00



Fev 23 2023 20:00 - 22:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Reserve com confiança: a Billetto assegura o reembolso de eventos cancelados, garantindo a sua tranquilidade. Saber mais


Thurs. 23 Feb.


Sligo Film Society

€8 / €6 (conc)

Title: Alcarràs

Director: Carla Simón

Cast: Jordan Pujol Dolcet, Anna Otin, Xènia Roset, Albert Bosch

FILM INFO: 120 minutes, Spain, Italy, 2022.

For over eighty years the Solé family has farmed in Alcarràs, a small village in Spain’s Catalonia region. But as they prepare to spend the summer picking this year’s crop of peaches, they find themselves facing eviction and an uncertain future. Carla Simón’s follow-up to her stunning debut Summer 1993 won the top prize at the 2022 Berlin Film Festival.


Sligo Film Society is not for profit and run entirely by volunteers. We programme two seasons of cultural cinema a year from The Model, Sligo and are members of Access Cinema.

Sligo Film Society was first established in April 1944 when a branch of the Irish Film Society was set up at The Gaiety Cinema. The aim was to bring a monthly programme of outstanding films of every nationality, not normally screened in mainstream cinema. A committee of nine was elected with R.H.Campbell-Perry as Chairman and Anthony (Tony) P. Toher as Secretary.

However, the idea to bring the best of world cinema to Sligo is said to have been born in the 1930s when the late Tony Toher’s father, Thomas P. Toher, decided to screen films in a shed in the back of Tohers Chemist, formerly located on Stephen Street.

The society began by screening its programme in the Gaiety cinema and went on to showcase films in venues all over Sligo including the Hawk’s Well Theatre, the Glasshouse Hotel, the Yeats Memorial Building, IT Sligo and the Teacher’s Centre (now the ETB). 

While the film programme was a form of entertainment for local people, the ambition of the committee was to also encourage an appreciation of the art of cinema.

This was fulfilled with the establishment of the RTC (IT Sligo) in 1970, when a group of film enthusiasts emerged and took over the running of SFS. Many of these members still serve on the committee today and are joined by several new members.

Today, Sligo Film Society operates a weekly film night over two seasons from September to December and January to April, usually (but not always) showing 14 titles per season.

SFS Committee

Hans Wieland (Chair), Edel Doherty, Pat Doherty (Treasurer), Dave Gunne, Denise Haugh (Secretary), Jack Lynch (PRO), Justin McCarthy, Patrick Curley.


The Model. Home of The Niland Collection. The Model. Home of The Niland Collection., The Mall, Sligo


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