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Aisling and Daniel Wedding Accommodation Booking

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Aisling and Daniel Wedding Accommodation Booking

Vanaf Gratis



26 Jul 2019 14:00 - 28 Jul 2019 11:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Boek met vertrouwen: Billetto garandeert terugbetalingen voor geannuleerde evenementen, zodat u zich geen zorgen hoeft te maken. Lees meer


Hello! For our Wedding on 26th July 2019 we have rented Ballinacurra House and Estate in Kinsale exclusively for two nights - 26th & 27th July. Wedding and reception will be on the 26th and recovery day and party on the evening of the 27th.

As the venue is not a typical hotel, people have been asking about rates and how to book etc. so we thought it might be easier to set this up for reference. As we have rented the estate we need to figure out how many intend to stay on the property so that we can allocate and fill all rooms. 

We can accommodate up to 54 people in the property ranging from suites to family rooms and breakfasts are included. Each room is individually themed to reflect the eclectic nature of the 250 year old house and its past owners. The property aims to provide exceptional levels of comfort in a homely environment. Just a few minutes drive from Kinsale - the entire estate will be at our disposal.

We have subsidised the accommodation rates for our guests to reduce your expense and hope you are able to join us in celebrating this occasion. You can choose to pay for accommodation in advance or you can pay on checkout, just select from the different options opposite. If you would prefer to  pay the venue directly on check out then please select the pay later option so that we can account for you in the room allocations. 

We are sending this link to close family and friends first so that you all have first option. Please let us know by end of January if you are staying on the property - at that stage we will release any leftover rooms to other guests.

Currently, we have only booked for 2 nights but might extend to 3 nights (to include the night before the wedding) if people have an interest and we have the numbers. If you would like to stay the night before also pop us a message and we'll see if it can be arranged with the venue. 

If you have any questions, feel free to give us a call. The most important thing for us is that everyone enjoys the weekend and has the craic!!!

Aisling & Daniel 



Ballinacurra House Ballinacurra House, Ballinacurra , Kinsale


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