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Acheving your dreams by knowing yourself

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Acheving your dreams by knowing yourself

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22. November 2019, 19:00 Uhr - 21:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
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Ben Robu will be giving a talk on how to achieve your goals and dreams and having a resilient attitude

About this Event

After studying successful leaders, I found out that most of them have three things in common:hey have big dreams, they are resilient in their attitude and they have a deep faith that they will achieve their goals..

1. Have a big dream.

-For most people, a dream is just a fantasy, a desire, a hope.

-To find your big dream, look inside and ask yourself two questions: ‘Who am I?’ and ‘Why am I here?’ When I was ten years old, to survive I had to eat the potatoes from the pigs’ bucket. That day, I planted the seed of a dream, and I promised myself THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN.

-A dream will give us clarity, energy and passion.

-The successful leader have a written plan and the ability to visualize vividly the end result of the goal. The image of succeeding is so colourful that it becomes a vision. An obsession. They succeed even before they make it. The second quality in those having big dreams.

2. Be resilient in your attitude.

-We all get paralyzed by fear, and is the main reason most of us quit.

-Successful leaders do have fears, but are able to lock and hold their vision in front of them and plough right through their fears. If you do that, you realize that those fears have only a fraction of the strength we think they have. They are a creation of our imagination.

-‘Ordinary things consistently done produce incredible results.’What does that mean? To reach your destination, you will need daily discipline. Stop complaining about the lack of time! All the sages and wise people in the universe were getting up very early. Jesus , Michael O’Leary is up at 4 o’clock.

-Get up early and do it consistently for the next 66 days. Research shows to have a new habit, you must do it for 66 days in a row.

3. Have a deep faith that you will achieve your goals

Successful leaders are guided by an invisible spiritual Universe. This spiritual guidance is available to each of us, but only a few choose to access it.

The Universe understands only energy and feelings, not money. How does something make you feel inside? If you believe in your dreams, you trust that the pieces will fall into place together. It is like (a pact) a contract between you and God.

It feels like a total surrender, like a blind faith.(45 sec)

I remember being deported from Germany back to Romania, as an illegal immigrant, and all the money was left in the bank. Would you have the courage to jump over the Berlin Wall and risk the communist bullets?

To know yourself is an internal voyage and you will require meditation. To touch the impossible there is only one journey you have to make: inside yourself. That it’s enough

When you know yourself, you will feel so humble. Wanting to share that honey like taste inner feeling you realize that the treasure, the diamonds have always been there. You finally understand that the heart is a portable paradise and what you are is more important than your possessions.

Before I finish, just ask yourself 2 questions:

Who Am I? and Why Am I here?

Are you ready to live your dream?

Thank you.


7:00-7:30 for socializing and networking

7:30-8:30 for the workshop

8:30-9:00 for wrap up and questions

Who is this event for?

All types of Businesses, SME's, Entrepreneurs, Startups and Non-Profits.


1. What are my transport/parking options for getting to and from the event?

By bus, take the 40d

Driving, the Corporate Park 2 is off Corduff Road. Address is Suite 10, Plaza 256, Blanchardstown Corporate Park 2, Ballycoolin.

Our location is also available if you search "PineHub" on Google Maps.

2. Is there free parking?

We have free visitor parking beside the plaza and also allocated parking spaces for Suite 10.

3. How to contact the organizer?

Email - info@pine-hub.com

Telephone - 015252101



Pine Hub Pine Hub, Blanchardstown Corporate Park 2, D15 EH34 Dublin


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